creamy chestnut soup with honey-roasted parsnips

ingredients you need
  • Roasted chestnuts
  • 1 sweet onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 leek
  • 1 stalk of celery
  • 12 0z of parsnips-you can also use mushrooms
  • honey
  • olive oil
  • butter
  • creme fraiche sour cream or cream
  • Fresh thyme
  • pinch of nutmeg
  • salt and paper
  • sherry (optional)
  • chicken or vegetable broth

Step: 1 Heat the oven to 400º F (about 200º C). Peel off and cut the parsnips, sling them in a bowl with pure olive oil and honey, and sprinkle some salt and pepper. lest rest on a baking sheet and roast in the oven for 25 minutes or until fork-tender.

Step: 2 In a medium-large saucepan, 1 tbs of olive oil and 1 tbsp of butter (I used a 4.5 lt cast iron French oven) add the onions, leek, celery, and garlic, massage with salt, pepper, and fresh thyme, and cook for a few minutes, until good smelly, and translucent.

Step: 3 Add the chopped chestnuts and mix for a few minutes until racially mixed with the onions and leeks, add the roasted parsnips and a swash of the sherry, or stock. graze the bottom of the pan to add the broth. Cook gently in low heat for 15-20 minutes.

Step: 4 Blend the soup in a blender (in batches if necessary), and continue until smooth. Transfer back to the saucepan to add the nutmeg and creme fraiche, and adjust the seasoning if necessary, ready to serve.

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