classic Christmas pudding

This homemade Christmas pudding is easy to make, after all that it just needs time in the steamer to turn it into an outstanding, rich, fruity dessert.

  • Prep: 20 mins
  • Cook: 8 hrs
  • More effort
For the pudding
  • 50g blanched almonds
  • 2 large Bramley cooking apples
  • 200g box candied peel (in large pieces) or all citron if you can find it
  • 1 whole nutmeg (you’ll use three-quarters of it)
  • 1kg raisins
  • 140g plain flour
  • 100g soft fresh white breadcrumbs
  • 100g light muscovado sugar, crumbled if it looks lumpy
  • 3 large eggs
  • 2 tbsp brandy or cognac, plus extra to light the pudding
  • 250g packet of butter, taken straight from the fridge
For the brandy and ginger butter
  • 175g unsalted butter, softened
  • grated zest of half an orange
  • 5 tbsp icing sugar
  • 4 tbsp brandy or cognac
  • 2 pieces of stem ginger, finely chopped
classic Christmas pudding method

Step: 1 Get prepared everything for the pudding. Knife up the almonds coarsely. Skin, core, and cut the cooking apples. Sharpen the knife and chop the candied peel. (You can also cut the almonds and apples in a food processor, peel must be done only by hand.) crush three-quarters of the nutmeg (sounds a good deal but it’s correct).

Step: 2 Blend the eggs, apples, candied peel, nutmeg, raisins, flour, breadcrumbs, light muscovado sugar, almonds, and 2 tbsp of brandy or cognac in a deep big bowl.

Step: Relax the butter in its wrapper, crush a quarter of it into the bowl, now mix everything. Redo until all the butter is grated, and mix them for up to 3 to 4 mins – when the mixture is ready it subsides slightly after each stir.

Step: 4 Liberally butter two 1.2 liter bowls and put a circle of baking parchment in the bottom of each. Crate in the pudding mixture. Enfold with a double layer of baking parchment, gathering it to permit expansion, and now tie it up with string (keep the paper in place with a rubber band while tying). Cut off any excess paper.

Step; 5 After that stand each bowl on a big sheet of foil and bring the edges up over the top, now set another sheet of foil over the top and drive it down under to make a double package (this will make the puddings watertight). Bind up with more string, to make a handle for easy lifting in and out of the pan.

Step: 6 Oven steam or boil the puddings for up to about 8 hrs, topping up with water as necessary. Disconnect from the pans and let it cool overnight. When it gets cold, through away the stained wrappings and re-wrap in new baking parchment, foil, and string. Save in a cool, dry place until serving.

Step: 7 For making the brandy butter, cream the butter with the orange zest and icing sugar. Gently beat in the brandy or cognac and chopped stem ginger. Put in a small bowl, fork the top charmingly, and put in the fridge to set. The butter can be stored for about a week in the fridge or can be frozen for up to about six weeks.

Step: 8 On an event day, boil or oven steam for up to 1 hr. Uncover and turn out. To flame, warm 3-4 tbsp brandy in a small pan, spill it over the pudding and settle light to it.

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