Healthy roast turkey crown

When it comes to catering to fewer people Roast a turkey crown this Christmas. It’s also a lighter option if you don’t want to overdo it on the big day.
- Prep: 25 mins
- Cook: 1 hr and 30 mins
- Easy
- Serves: 4-6
Healthy roast turkey crown Method
Step: 1 Take out your turkey crown from the fridge 1-2 hrs before you want to cook it. Turn oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Cut off 4 slices from one of the oranges. Juice the rest of it along with another of the oranges. Take a small bowl, mix the orange juice with honey and the picked thyme leaves, the soy sauce, and a nice grinding of black pepper.
Step: 2 Slacken the skin over the turkey breast. On both sides of the breast put two slices of orange, a bay leaf, and a thyme sprig under the skin, then spoon in some of the juice mix and even the skin back over. Tip the orange wedges into a roomy roasting tin with carrots and parsnips. Settle the crown between the vegetables and oranges. Spray over about a third of the leftover orange juice mix and roast each of them in the oven for 30 minutes. Remove, stir the veg, and spray over another third of the juice mix, now return to the oven and redo it one more time, The total of roasting the turkey is 1hr 30 mins (covering with foil midway through if it begins to color too much).
Step: 3 Take out the turkey from the roasting tin and put it on a board covered with foil, then turn the oven up to 220C/200C fan/gas 8. Sling the veg in a drizzle of honey and set back the tin in the oven to caramelize the veg for about 25-30 mins, letting the turkey crown to rest. Dish out the crown on a platter surrounded by the glazed roots, orange wedges, and extra thyme sprigs, depends if you like. Detach the sticky skin from the breast before cutting the meat to serve as a side, enjoy this delicious turkey.