Next level roast turkey

Take your festive turkey to the next level with our greatest roast turkey and gravy. It doesn’t require many extra ingredients or much work, yet tastes fascinating.

  • Prep: 30 mins
  • Cook: 3 hrs plus at least 12 hrs dry-brining and 20 mins resting
  • More effort
  • Serves: 8 – 10
  • 5-6kg oven-ready turkey with the neck, chopped, and giblets included
  • 150g butter
  • 3 garlic cloves, finely grated
  • large handful of mixed herbs such as parsley, thyme, or bay, leaves picked and chopped, stalks reserved, plus extra thyme and herbs to serve (optional)
  • 2 lemons, both halved, 1 juiced
  • 1 onion, roughly chopped
  • 2 carrots, roughly chopped
For the gravy
  • 2 tbsp plain flour
  • 1 tbsp soy sauce
  • 1 tsp yeast extract
  • a large glass of red wine (about 200ml)
  • 500ml chicken or turkey stock
next level roast turkey Method

Step: 1 At least 12 hours or Up to 48 hrs before cooking, unfasten the skin over the turkey breast so you can get your hands beneath it. Season the turkey all over, including beneath the skin, with 2 tbsp sea salt. Place the turkey in a big roasting tin, breast-side up. Abandon uncovered in the fridge till ready to cook.

Step: 2 Take out the turkey from the fridge at least 1 hr before cooking. warm the oven to 240C/220C fan/gas 9. Liquefy the butter in a pan set over low heat, now add garlic, chopped herbs, and lemon juice. Fry for about 1 minute, Take off from the heat and let it cool a little. Take out the turkey from the tin and disperse in the onions, carrots, turkey neck, and giblets. Set a roasting rack, trivet, or ovenproof cooling rack in or over the tray and put the turkey on top. Stuff the squashed and whole lemons in the turkey pocket with the herb stalks and additional thyme. Lift the skin and spoon 4 tbsp of the garlicky herb butter over the meat beneath, after that rub the skin to spread it out. Brush most of the last butter all over the turkey, reserving 2 tbsp or more. To give a neat finish, tie together the wings and legs.

Step: 3 Place the turkey in the oven and lessen the heat to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Cook for 1 hr, then take out from the oven and brush generously with the butter. Turn the tin around and put it back in the oven for the next 30 minutes. Rub again with butter and roast again for another 30 minutes. When the turkey has had 2 hrs in total, take a probe thermometer and check its temperature. When the thickest part of the breast reads about 65C and the thickest part of the thigh reads 75C, that means it’s cooked perfectly. If the temperature is lower, then put the turkey back in the oven for periods of 15 minutes till the temperature is reached. Cool it for about 10 minutes on the rack, shift it to a board, and leave it upside down – the bird should rest for around the next 20 minutes, so it will stay hot for at least 40 minutes more.

Step: 4 Meantime, make the gravy. If your roasting tin is flameproof, place it directly over medium heat. If not, shred the contents in a large, shallow pan. Disperse over the flour and mix to make a paste. Now add soy sauce and yeast extract, mix, after that spill in the wine and combine to make a thick paste. Spill in the stock and turkey juices (if you aren’t already cooking them in the roasting tin). Boil gently for about 5 mins, stirring to make a well-off gravy. Strain into a pan to reheat when needed.

Step: 5 Set the turkey on a platter, and serve with gravy and other extras of your choice.

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